Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment at MVMT Health?

Simply call us at 813-666-5595, and our team will be happy to schedule a visit or answer any questions about MVMT Health.

Where is MVMT Health located?

We are conveniently located in the Carrollwood at 14502 N Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL

What conditions can a chiropractor at MVMT Health treat?

Chiropractors are trained healthcare professionals specializing in diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders with a focus on the spine. At MVMT Health we use manual techniques to adjust the spine and other joints, improving joint function, reducing pain, and aiding in healing.

Common conditions we treat include back pain, neck pain, and headaches for people in Tampa struggling with these conditions. However, they can also treat various conditions, including sciatica, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fibromyalgia.

Chiropractic care effectively treats many of these conditions, with studies indicating that chiropractic treatments can provide significant pain relief and improve joint function. In addition, chiropractic care can help patients avoid surgery, reduce their reliance on pain medication, and improve their overall quality of life.

However, it is essential to note that chiropractors are not always the best option for every patient or condition. Other medical professionals may better serve patients with certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis or spinal cord injuries. Therefore, patients need to work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of treatment for their individual needs.

Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

Chiropractic adjustments are generally considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed chiropractor. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved.

Common side effects of chiropractic adjustments include soreness, stiffness, and mild pain, which usually resolve within a few days.

Patients need to inform their chiropractors of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications they are taking that may affect the procedure's safety. Patients should also ensure that their chiropractor completely understands their medical history to minimize potential risks.

In summary, chiropractic adjustments can be safe and effective for many patients seeking relief from neuromuscular conditions. However, as with any medical treatment, there are some risks involved, and patients should carefully evaluate their options and work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of treatment for their individual needs.

How long should I expect my treatment to last at MVMT Health?

The duration of chiropractic treatment depends on various factors, including the type and severity of the condition, the patient's overall health, and their response to treatment.

Patients may only require one or two chiropractic sessions to experience significant pain relief and improved mobility for acute conditions, such as a recent injury or muscle strain. However, for more chronic conditions or underlying structural issues, patients may require ongoing chiropractic care to maintain their spinal health and manage their symptoms.

Sometimes, patients may need to schedule regular chiropractic adjustments as part of their overall wellness routine, like regular exercise or preventative medical check-ups. This can help to reduce the likelihood of future injuries, improve joint function, and reduce the risk of chronic pain.

The frequency of chiropractic appointments can vary depending on the individual, but many patients benefit from regular appointments every few weeks or months. This approach allows the chiropractor to monitor the patient's progress and adjust their treatment plan while providing ongoing support and guidance for spinal health and overall wellness.

In summary, the duration of chiropractic treatment can vary depending on the patient's needs. Still, many patients find that ongoing chiropractic care can provide significant benefits for neuromuscular disorders, including pain relief, improved mobility, and enhanced quality of life. Patients should consult with us at MVMT Health to determine the best treatment plan for their needs, considering the type and severity of the condition being treated, their overall health, and their long-term wellness goals.

How many treatments will I need at MVMT Health?

The number of treatments required at a chiropractor can vary greatly depending on several factors. Firstly, the type and severity of the neuromuscular condition being treated can significantly affect how many treatments are necessary for optimal results. For example, a minor injury or muscle strain may only require a few sessions, while more chronic conditions or underlying structural issues may require ongoing care.

Another factor to consider is the individual patient's overall health and response to treatment. Some patients may experience significant pain relief and improved mobility after just a few sessions, while others may require more extensive care over a more extended period of time.

It is also important to note that the frequency of treatments can affect the overall duration of care required. For instance, if a patient maintains regular chiropractic appointments, they may require fewer overall treatments than someone who only seeks care sporadically.

Ultimately, the number of treatments required at a chiropractor should be determined by a comprehensive assessment of the patient's individual needs and goals. This includes consideration of factors such as the type and severity of the condition being treated, the patient's overall health, and their long-term wellness goals.

Patients should work closely with their chiropractor to develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals and should be open to adjusting the plan based on their progress and response to treatment. With the proper care and support, many patients find that chiropractic treatment can provide significant relief from neuromuscular conditions and enhance their overall quality of life.

Is there any way to prevent injury in the future?

While chiropractic care can be a valuable tool in managing and treating neuromuscular conditions, individuals can also take steps to help prevent these types of injuries from occurring in the first place.

One of the primary ways to prevent injury is to maintain good spinal health through regular exercise, stretching, and proper posture. Engaging in activities that promote strength, flexibility, and balance can help to support the spine and reduce the risk of strains or other types of injuries.

Additionally, individuals should be aware of any habits or activities contributing to spinal stress or strain, such as improper lifting techniques or prolonged sitting. Adjusting these behaviors can also help reduce the risk of injury.

Regular chiropractic care can also be a valuable preventative measure, allowing the chiropractor to monitor the patient's spinal health and adjust or provide guidance as needed. This can help to identify areas of weakness or concern before they develop into more severe conditions.

In summary, while injury prevention is not guaranteed, individuals can take proactive steps to reduce their risk of neuromuscular injuries through proper spinal care and regular chiropractic check-ups. Individuals can enjoy improved spinal health and overall wellness by working with a qualified chiropractor and staying mindful of habits and activities that may contribute to spinal stress.

Does insurance cover chiropractic care?

At our chiropractic practice, we understand the importance of having access to quality health care. That's why we proudly accept Chiro Health USA benefits for our patients. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you make the most of your coverage and providing comprehensive chiropractic care that meets your needs and budget. Whether you have a traditional insurance plan or an HMO, PPO, or EPO plan, our staff will be happy to assist you in finding a solution that works best for you.

Do you offer payment plans or discounts for cash payments?

As a chiropractic practice, we understand that healthcare can be expensive and strive to provide our patients with affordable options.

We believe everyone should have access to quality healthcare and strive to make our services as accessible as possible. Whether you have insurance coverage or not, our team can work with you to find the best payment solution for your needs.

If you have any questions regarding our payment options or want to discuss a personalized treatment plan, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellness, both physically and financially.

Additionally, we are a participating provider with Chiro Health USA.

What kind of education and training do chiropractors have?

Chiropractors are healthcare professionals specializing in diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders with a focus on the spine. To become a chiropractor, a candidate must complete undergraduate studies in a related field, such as biology or physiology, and then attend a chiropractic college for an additional four years.

Chiropractic education is rigorous and includes an in-depth study of anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, biomechanics, and nutrition. In addition to classroom instruction, chiropractic students also receive extensive clinical training, which involves working directly with patients under the supervision of licensed chiropractors.

After graduating from chiropractic college, individuals must pass a rigorous examination to become licensed to practice. Chiropractic licensing requirements vary by state but typically involve completing the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners test.

To maintain their license, chiropractors must also participate in ongoing continuing education courses, which help ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and advances in chiropractic care.

Overall, chiropractors receive extensive education and training that equips them with the knowledge and skills to provide safe, effective care to patients with various neuromuscular conditions. If you are considering chiropractic care, choosing a licensed and experienced practitioner who can provide the high-quality treatment you need to achieve optimal health and well-being is essential..