It’s time to overcome hip pain.

Discover how MVMT Health is helping people overcome chronic hip pain.

Have you been feeling a bit of a twinge in your hip lately? Hip pain can really slow us down. 

But hip pain is not something you need to live with.

Let's dive into the top three usual suspects behind hip pain and shed light on their diagnosis and common pain patterns.

  1. Hip Arthritis:

    The undisputed king of hip pain, arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, is often the culprit. With age, the smooth cartilage that allows your hip joint to move smoothly wears down, causing inflammation and pain. Diagnosis involves a physical exam and X-rays to confirm. The pain usually intensifies with activity and eases with rest, and might be most noticeable when you get up in the morning.

2. Hip Bursitis:

Those tiny fluid-filled sacs that cushion your hip joints, known as bursae, get inflamed sometimes - and that's bursitis. Excessive use or injury can lead to this condition. Your doctor may recommend an imaging test, like an ultrasound or MRI, for diagnosis. The pain is typically sharp and intense in the initial stages but might become a dull ache over time.

3. Hip Tendinitis:

Our muscles are connected to the bones via tendons, and straining these tendons can result in tendinitis. Overuse or repetitive motion is typically the cause. Diagnosis involves a physical exam and possibly an MRI. The pain, often a sharp sensation during activity, tends to localize to the area where the tendon attaches to the bone.

Let's talk about shockwave therapy. Shockwave Therapy sends buzzes of energy to the sore spots in your hip, helping your body heal like super-fast. It's a great tool to help you overcome chronic hip pain and get you back to doing the things you love. So, let's say bye-bye to hip pain and hello to happy hips!

So, if you're tired of hip pain pushing you around, shockwave therapy might just be your new best friend! Remember, there's no need to suffer when help is at hand. Say goodbye to hip pain and hello to a happier, healthier you!

Let's Take the First Step Together

At MVMT Health, we're passionate about helping people overcome chronic pain and enjoy a better quality of life. Don't let knee pain dictate your life any longer. We invite you to schedule a discovery visit with our team. Let's figure out the best way forward together because you deserve a life free from pain.

Contact MVMT Health today, and let's say goodbye to knee pain once and for all!