Ulnar neuritis, also referred to as cubital tunnel syndrome, is a condition characterized by inflammation or irritation of the ulnar nerve. This nerve runs from the neck down through the shoulder and into the hand, playing a critical role in the movement and sensation of the forearm and hand.

When irritated, the ulnar nerve can cause numbness, tingling, and pain, often felt in the ring and little fingers. In severe cases, muscle weakness or atrophy in these fingers and the hand may also occur.


Let's dive into the top causes of a Ulnar Neuritis.

  • Prolonged Pressure on the Elbow: Resting the elbow on hard surfaces for extended periods can compress the ulnar nerve.

  • Repetitive Movements: Activities that require frequent bending of the elbow, such as lifting or throwing, can increase the risk of ulnar nerve irritation.

  • Elbow Injuries: Traumas from accidents or sports injuries can lead to inflammation and pressure on the ulnar nerve.

  • Arthritis: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis can cause swelling and joint deformities, compressing the ulnar nerve.

  • Bone Spurs: These are extra bone growths that can form after an injury or due to arthritis, which can press against the ulnar nerve.

If you are experiencing the debilitating symptoms of ulnar neuritis, Shockwave Therapy offered by MVMT Health in Tampa may be the solution you need. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized and effective treatments to help you regain your mobility and live pain-free.

Don't let ulnar neuritis dictate your quality of life any longer—schedule a visit with our practice today to explore your treatment options and start your journey toward recovery.

Let's Take the First Step Together

At MVMT Health, we're passionate about helping people overcome chronic pain and enjoy a better quality of life. Don't let low back pain dictate your life any longer. We invite you to schedule a discovery visit with our team. Let's figure out the best way forward together because you deserve a life free from pain.

Contact MVMT Health today, and let's say goodbye to low back pain once and for all!